Windsor offers many insurance solutions for homes either occupied by owner or occupied by a renter. These coverages include site-built homes, manufactured homes, condominiums, homes occupied by the insured on a daily basis, and homes that are occupied as the insured’s seasonal or secondary home.

Site-Built Homes
This package policy provides both property and liability coverage to the owner-occupant of the home, whether or not the home is the insured’s primary or secondary residence. Principal property coverages include coverage for the residence, related private structures, personal property, and additional living costs.
Manufactured Homes
A Mobile Homeowners policy or a Manufactured Dwelling policy is a package policy providing both property and liability coverage to the owner-occupant of the manufactured home. Over time the mobile home has evolved to become known as the Manufactured home. Principal property coverage’s include coverage for the residence, related private structures, personal property, and additional living costs.
Tenant Coverage
This package policy provides both personal property and liability coverage to the people who rent or lease their home.
Condominium Coverage
Coverage for the unit owner’s interest in the fixtures, additions and alterations can be provided in this policy. This is a limited policy to cover what your Condominium Association master policy may not cover. It will also cover your personal belongings and liability.
Windsor offers a homesharing endorsement under the homeowners program permitting an insured to rent out their property up to 30 nights a year and provides property and liability coverage including limited theft coverage while the property is rented and lock replacement coverage. Properties that are rented out more than 30 nights a year can be written under the dwelling fire program.

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